Silver linings – learnings from social isolation

“I miss the connectedness with the human race.”So says a client discussing home isolationrecently. As with many people, she is realising how much she actually gained from being around people. The small gestures, random conversations, our ‘sparking’ off each other. Being human means being connected. We can be ‘introverts’ but still love the warmth and [...]

The evolutionary invitation within a pandemic

To say that there is a lot going on in the world at present would be an understatement. But just as much is going on inside people’s homes and in their hearts. I work as a therapist, so I see this all at close range and it is not just that there is a virus [...]

A question of sanity: reflections on the Bourke Street terrorist attack

Cynthia is a counselling educator and psychologist working in private practise. She is the author of the book, ‘Return to the Soul’. Here she comments on the latest incident in Bourke St, Melbourne. Another incident of terrorist violence on Bourke St in Melbourne, Australia. Another death, another round of sorrow. Another inquiry into the state [...]